
With over 30 years operational and management experience we set about to build the easiest rota planning system for Managers and Business Managers and truly “make the complicated simple”.

Why ? We have operated with the largest and smallest operators in the UK and we were constantly frustrated by the labour systems in use. Most systems were too complicated few people understood them and the one-size-fits-all frustrates more than half of the businesses – and nobody thought about the customers or the staff team…. With increasing wage cost pressures it is critical that rota planning is made easier and transparent.

So, we built MyRotaPlan from scratch with the principle of maximising the potential service to customers & balancing the Team workload. In most instances we saw that the budget monies were OK – but the monies were spent in the wrong place at the wrong times and it was too complicated to find the overspends and underspends in the rota.

MyRotaPlan has had massive input from Managers and Area Managers to ensure that input is as simple as possible and output is uncomplicated and actually helpful. We set out to “make the complicated simple”.

Ultimately, increasing customer service levels and spreading the team workload will have a hugely positive impact on your business. Happy customers return and tell their friends – Happy Team Members don’t leave and they deliver great customer service – its the perfect combination to put a smile on a Managers face!

After 30 years in the retail industry as Operator, Area manager and Director I am happy to put my name to MyRotaPlan as the best labour scheduling system you will use – we genuinely believe you will save money, improve your service levels and balance your Team workload by making the complicated simple!

Does your current system deliver all these benefits?

David Lee M.D.